TUESDAY 3 NOVEMBER 2020 via ‘Zoom’


PRESENT:    Mr D Forman (Chair); Mr D Mills (Vice-Chair); Mrs L Mills (Clerk); Mr D Wilkinson; Mr D White; Mr J Poole; Mrs J Moreton; Mr S Perry

In attendance:  Cllr Gray, ELDC

1.    APOLOGIES - none received.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 15 September 2020 had been circulated.  All agreed that they were correct, therefore DF signed them as an accurate record.


Quantum Fibre update - the meeting planned for 7 October 2020 had been cancelled as the required 20 households had not expressed an interest.  However, LM reported that she had now been informed that it didn’t matter if fewer than 20 households were present at any meeting.  Due to the current situation with Covid-19, it had been agreed to try and re-arrange something for next year, as any work to be undertaken wouldn't start until 2022 anyway.


DF proposed that as the country is about go into a second Lockdown, a local Food Bank be set up in the Village Hall.  He added that most towns and villages were now doing this.  

JP had expressed concern as one or two Food Banks had been broken into and supplies stolen.  He asked whether the Hall security was sufficient.  Short discussion followed and it was agreed that the Hall was secure enough, but that if anyone was determined to break in, it didn't matter what precautions had been taken.

DF stated there was still some money remaining from the previous Covid-19 community grant and Cllr Gray also indicated that he had some money available.   Cllr Gray added that there was currently a lot of funding available to Food Banks and grants of up to £5000 can be applied for via ELDC.

DW mentioned the Amenity Account funds which had historically been used to provide a hamper for elderly residents over the Christmas season, and suggested a contribution could be made from there.  JM stated that the Amenity Account belonged to the Village Hall and she would check the balance (believed to be £1000+) in time for the Village Hall Committee meeting later this evening.

Short discussion then followed regarding food donations and how people would access the Food Bank.  DF stated that he had already received some donations and if people wished to do so, any items could be dropped off at his address. Groceries such as cereals, toiletries tinned goods and fruit squash can be given, but strictly no alcohol!

DF further stated that anyone wishing to use the Food Bank could either deliver a note to his home address or get in touch electronically via the village Facebook page or Parish Council email address.  He reiterated that all communications would be treated in strictest confidence. 

The Parish Council unanimously agreed that a local Food Bank is an excellent idea.

ACTION: Cllr Gray and DF to meet separately with a view to applying for financial help.


6.    DATE OF NEXT MEETING - to be notified when required.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 6.53pm