6.30PM, 10 DECEMBER 2020

PRESENT:  Mr D Forman (Chair); Mr D Mills (Vice-Chair); Mrs L Mills (Clerk); Mr J Poole; Mr D White; Mrs J Moreton; Mr J Moore

In attendance: Mr B Stubbs; Mr and Mrs Jones

1.    APOLOGIES: Cllr W Gray; Mr D Wilkinson


The Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated.  All agreed that they were correct, therefore DF signed them as an accurate record.


4/5.    PLANNING APPLICATION S/022/02168/20 - The Stores, Main Street, Bucknall and PUBLIC FORUM

Mrs Jones, resident, expressed concern regarding drainage of land at rear of her house which is where the proposed development is situated - the land there is currently flooded.  She also had concerns regarding utilities and possible disruption of supply of water and/or electricity to her stables, as supply lines run across the land that is planned to be developed. Mrs Jones also stated that there is a stopcock linked to her stables in one of the outbuildings that is planned to be knocked down.  DF replied that Anglian Water will likely be consulted; if not the Parish Council can ask for them to be consulted. Finally, Mr and Mrs Jones were worried about the right of access over land which will be the gardens of the proposed houses. 

ACTION: LM to contact Planning Dept and ask what contingency plans would be put in place regarding water and power supply to the adjoining property.

DF asked Mr and Mrs Jones if they had registered any comments; Mrs Jones replied that they had only received the letter two days ago and had had trouble with the website, but had contacted ELDC to resolve this.

JP pointed out that the water and electric supply appeared to have been provided by a ‘helpful neighbour’ rather than utility companies and wondered whether this may create problems with the plans.

A vote was taken and it was unanimously agreed to support this application as long as satisfactory solutions to the concerns raised are provided.


DF provided an update regarding the village Foodbank, which was now up and running.  He stated it was well stocked, though so far hasn’t been used very much.  He reminded everyone to let people know it was available, and to encourage those who need it to use it.

DF stated that there had been another incident of fly tipping at the Village Hall and he was going to contact ELDC and arrange for it to be disposed of.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 1851 hrs.