Present: Mr D Forman (Chair); Mr D Mills (Vice-Chair); Mrs L Mills (Clerk); Mrs S Adams; Mr J Poole; Mrs J Moreton; Mr D Wilkinson; Mr J Moore; Mr S Perry
In attendance: Cllr P Bradwell (LCC); a number of residents were also present for the Public Forum.
Mrs Smith brought up the rumoured closure of Chapel Walk. A fairly lengthy discussion then took place regarding the this possibility, which the new owners of The Cottages (off Platts Lane) have apparently stated is their intention. Although an application to close the path has not been formally made yet, the Parish Council has been in touch with the LCC LCC Definitive Map Officer to find out whether it would be possible to close the footpath. The information from LCC shows that it is possible for the footpath to be claimed as such as it has been in use for over 70 years. This is however a long process and requires statements of evidence of use by residents. All residents present at the meeting were happy to provide this. Cllr Bradwell was very helpful in this matter and said that she would see if the process could be expedited (LCC Definitive Map Modification Order Priority System).
JMo then questioned whether the Parish Council needed to ‘claim’ other footpaths in the village. It was pointed out that as these footpaths are shown on the Definitive Map and had Right of Way markers, there was no need.
Mr Wallis brought up the number of vehicles speeding through the village. He suggested that the 30 mph signs be fitted with solar powered speed indicators for drivers. He asked that this matter be added to the Agenda for future discussion. In the interim, he asked that fluorescent signs be re-installed, and volunteered to this. DF responded that he had emailed four companies who provide speed indicators but had so far had no reply when asked about prices. DF further stated that he had asked LM to contact Bardney Parish Council to ask where they obtained theirs from.
ACTION: DF/LM to contact Bardney Parish Council for required information.
DF further added that Officers from the NPT do attend on a monthly basis and have informed him that the majority of speeding drivers were either residents or locals.
Bucknall is not currently on the Community Speed Watch plan.
DF explained that Bardney Parish Council had previously offered to provide training regarding Community Speedwatch volunteers. He asked that if anyone was interested, that they email the Parish Council at bucknallparishcouncil@aol.com in order that training sessions could be scheduled.
Cllr Bradwell stated that the Road Safety Partnership may be able to help with the speed indicator signs and undertook to LM with their contact details.
Mrs Kidger - The playground warning sign on Main Street is currently covered by foliage. Mr Wallis volunteered to remove the foliage. Mrs Kidger also asked if a ‘Concealed Entrance’ could be installed to warning drivers of the Village Hall entrance/exit. She had recently witnessed a near collision.
Public Forum closed at 7.04pm
2. APOLOGIES: Mr D Wilkinson; Cllr W Gray
3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: All agreed, DF signed as correct.
5. PLANNING APPLICATION S/022/01419/22 - Change of use of residential swimming pool to form mixed residential and commercial use swimming pool
JM - as a resident of Campney Lane, people drive too fast down what is a single-track road. Discussion then followed regarding the condition of Campney Lane. Cllr Bradwell will discuss this matter further with the applicant in this planning application.
ACTION: LM to make enquiries with Highways Department regarding having the speed limit being reduced.
Applicant explained that if successful, the swimming pool will be available to locals and a swim school with timed slots only.
A vote was taken and it was agreed 7 to 1 to offer no objections to this application.
New bins are being provided throughout the county, with Bucknall’s due to be delivered shortly. No information has been forthcoming regarding what will happen to the glass recycling bins in the Village Hall car park.
ACTION: LM to make enquiries with ELDC to establish whether the communal glass bins will remain.
DF reported that there had been a few more users recently and the Foodbank will probably need topping up for the winter period.
8. SAFEGUARDING: None at present.
Public right of way, Platts Lane - the sign is covered by bushes and the gate blocked off leaving a very narrow gap, which would not allow wheelchairs access, which it should do.
Field opposite has been ploughed with no footpath left. The landowner has 14 days to rectify this.
ACTION: DF will contact landowner, who has always left the required space previously.
SP - footpath alongside nursing home is blocked by hedgerows.
ACTION: LM to contact LCC with a request for the hedgerows to be trimmed.
The children’s playground had recently been inspected. Playsafety have submitted their invoice for £84.00 which needs to be paid by 23 September 2022.
ACTION: LM to forward cheque to Playsafety.
Ivan Clark’s (long-time resident of Bucknall) funeral will be held on 7 September 2022 at St Margaret’s Church. The family will be leaving his house at 11.30am to be at church for 11.45am. He was very well known in the village so DF urged all to attend if they were able to. All welcome for tea/coffee etc. at the Village Hall afterwards.
10. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: As and when required.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.22 pm