6.30PM, 28 NOVEMBER 2022

PRESENT:    Mr D Forman (Chair); Mr D Mills (Vice-Chair); Mrs L Mills (Clerk); Mrs S Adams; Mr J Poole; Mr J Moore; Mrs J Moreton

IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr P Bradwell (LCC); Cllr W Gray (ELDC); Residents: Mrs C White; Mrs K Smith; Mr S Prangnell; Mrs D Lingley


A discussion took place regarding residents’ concern over the construction currently taking place off Chestnut Avenue.  Contractors’ vehicles were regularly being parked on the road, causing problems to local residents.  It appears this is in contravention of planning conditions.

Mr Prangnell stated that the b ins had not been emptied this week as the lorry couldn’t get down the road.  He had reported this to ELDC, but the bins remain unemptied almost a week later.

ACTION: Cllr Bradwell undertook to speak to the relevant staff at LCC.

ACTION: LM to contact ELDC regarding contractors’ vehicles parking on both sides of the road, and ask for a site visit.

The Public Forum then closed and members of the public left.

2.    APOLOGIES - received from Mr S Perry and Mr D Wilkinson

3.    MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING - the Minutes had been circulated and all agreed they were an accurate record.  DF therefore signed a hard copy.

4.    MATTERS ARISING - Chapel Walk: a DMMO application has been submitted to have this footpath added to the Definitive Map.  LCC have warned the process is fairly lengthy and could take up to 5 years.  LM reported that the new owner of The Cottages, Chapel Walk had contacted the her, demanding that the dog waste bin at the eastern end of Chapel Walk be removed as it is the responsibility of Parishi Council.  LM contacted ELDC who have confirmed that they are responsible for the installation and removal of dog waste bins, and that they will only be removedat the request of Parish Councils.  A short discussion took place and a vote was taken regarding the removal or otherwise of the dog waste bin.  As the footpath is currently the subject of a DMMO application  due to it’s disputed status, it was unanimously decided that until the outcome of the DMMO is known, no request to remove the dog waste bin should be made. 


 No concerns at present


All speed signs are now in place in the village.  DF reported that PCSOs from Lincolnshire Police had been monitoring speeding the previous week, but no update had been received yet. 

Concealed Entrance sign for Village Hall was considered to be necessary.

ACTION - LM to contact ELDC requesting permission for such a sign to be installed.



DF reported that the Foodbank had not been used recently.  The Warm Space is now shown on the national database and is being used regularly.  SA stated that a new can opener was needed; 

ACTION: DF to purchase new can opener. 


DF reminded Councillors that it is the Council’s responsibility to keep this area tidy.  He suggested that everyone keep an eye on it as and when they pass, and the Council takes turns to keep it tidy.


All the problem trees have now been dealt with.  DF stated that volunteers may be needed to clear the leaves around the equipment.P


DF stated this will take place on Sunday 18 December 2022 from 3.00pm-7.00pm.  There will be mince pies, mulled wine and other refreshments, games, Tombola, raffle and a visit from Father Christmas.


Cllr Gray reminded everyone of the Government’s cost of living help scheme.  Details can be found on the ELDC website.  DF asked that people spread the word.

SA asked about the Village Hall sign.  Cllr Bradwell undertook to enquire with Highways regarding this.

DF then informed Councillors that the church rent is going to increase from £1000 to £5000 per year and the insurance from £1300 to £1700 per year.  He further stated that he and the other church warden, Mr Price had met with the vicar and informed him that St Margaret’s will be able to pay £1000 but cannot meet the £5000 request.  £1000 per year will provide the vicar for 6 services per year, but there will be no Holy Communion services.   DF urged everyone to attend the special events that are put on throughout the year to show that the church is used, otherwise it will close.  He went onto say that he and Mr Price were looking at the possibility of St Margaret’s becoming an independent church, but have discovered that this is not as simple as it sounds.

JMO - suggested paying the church £25 for tonight’s use.  SA seconded this proposal, a vote was taken and it was unanimously agreed. 

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.20pm